The countryside we know is being regulated out of existence, causing despair among the farming community, creating uncertainty in the sector and costing us rural votes.
Conservative Friends of the Countryside is a supporter of the new ‘Unleashing Rural Opportunity’ programme to create jobs. Nevertheless, we are well aware that any ‘rewilding’ plans could threaten our remaining native species (even further) by reintroducing yet more predators to our carefully managed landscape.
The most beautiful, bountiful areas of our nation are being threatened by misinformed, arguably, well-meaning individuals and organisations that are detached from the countryside, its heritage and practices. Our aim is to protect what is left of our land and wildlife from inappropriate legislation and regulation.
We cannot achieve our goals alone. Find out how you can help.

CFOC is a campaigning group, fighting to retain successful conservation techniques and values.
Find out about what we believe in and why
With the help of our affilated partners we evidence the success of current land and species management techniques.
Here are our affiliated organisations and their websites.